Are you one of many Americans that has thought about installing new windows? Maybe your old ones don’t open and close easily. Or perhaps the old windows aren’t sealed properly, and air gets in and out. As houses age, the windows stop functioning well.
If you want to know how to install a replacement window but do not know where to start, we have you covered. Here’s the steps on how to install a new window. If you want new windows but aren’t sure you can handle the installation process, reach out to a professional. The experts at Zups Construction are proficient at installing vinyl windows in any home.
Why New Windows?
There are options available to you when you start looking at windows. Vinyl windows are energy efficient and environmentally friendly. They are a fantastic way to increase the value and appearance of your home. They will also make your home more comfortable. Vinyl windows are also an affordable option.
Vinyl windows are about the least expensive options for your window needs because they are durable. They will not rust or corrode. Vinyl windows are also available in different designs so that you will find the perfect window for every project. Vinyl windows can help keep your heating and cooling costs down because they are manufactured from polyvinyl chloride. Vinyl windows are excellent insulators and will keep your home at an ideal temperature.
New windows will increase value in your home. Whatever you spend getting new windows installed will most likely be made back, and more, when you sell. Vinyl windows have a high return on investment.
If you want to update the look of your home, replacing windows is a great option. There are many types of styles and designs to choose; you can create any look you want. The value will increase with new windows. Not only are they attractive, but new vinyl windows can also reduce the noise you experience in your home. The noise from passing cars and other sounds will not be as noticeable in your home.
If you choose to install new vinyl windows, you will protect your belongings from harmful UV rays. Unfiltered direct sunlight can damage your furniture, floors, and walls. Vinyl windows can protect your house from these UV rays while providing natural light.
If you are concerned about the environment, vinyl windows are an eco-friendly choice. They are recyclable, and they last longer than wood or aluminum windows. Furthermore, they are virtually scratch free, so you won’t have to stain or paint them. Vinyl is sturdy and is built to last.
What You Need
There are a few things you need to have on hand to install a window. Read through this list to ensure you have all the necessary items. If not, a quick trip to the local hardware store will provide all you need.
Caulk gun
Drill, preferably cordless
Tape Measure
Pry bar
Utility knife
Foam backer rod
Acrylic caulk
Protection for your ears and eyes
As you can see, the tools are relatively basic. Most households have many of these on hand already. And the items you need to install a window are fairly affordable, too.
Before you purchase anything, inspect your windows to ensure the frames are thoroughly intact. If the frame has rotted or is warped, you will need to replace the frame and window. This scenario is a more complicated process, and you will most likely want to call a professional to help.
How to Install a New Window
A. Grab your tape and measure from the top of the frame to the sill, and from one side of the frame to the opposite. To ensure accuracy, measure again. Take your measurements to a home improvement store or lumber yard and order the correct size windows. Depending on what features the window has and the manufacturer, the prices can vary drastically. For better quality, you should order windows that have insulated glass, which means they will have two layers. After the windows arrive, allow yourself several hours for the first window. Figuring out the steps initially will take some time. After you have one done, the following windows will go more smoothly. B. Once you have the windows at your house and are ready to install, you can begin the process. Windows come mounted and prepared in a new jamb. You simply need to tilt the new window into the old frame and fasten it into place.
Follow these steps for a proper installation.
Remove the inside stop and keep it; you will reuse it.
Remove the lower sash from the old window.
Remove the parting stop. If it breaks that is fine, you will not be using it again.
Remove the top sash from the old window.
Locate the sash pockets and open them. Remove the weights. Remove the sash cord pulleys and place fiberglass insulation into the weight pockets.
Insert the new window into the frame. Ensure it is flush to the exterior stop. Insert mounting screws to the sides.
Apply caulk directly outside the window and install the pieces of trim.
Reinstall the inside stop.
Should I Call a Professional?
After reading through this, if you are more confused than before and still don’t know how to install a window, don’t worry! There are professionals who can do all of these steps for you. The experts at Zups Construction have years of experience replacing windows, among other home repair needs.
Zups Construction is proud to specialize in vinyl windows to provide homeowners with windows that are energy efficient, good for the environment, durable, attractive, and will protect your home. Vinyl windows are available in multiple colors, sizes, and styles. We can even order custom windows if you are having trouble finding a window to fit your older home.
Contact Zups Construction today to handle all your window needs.